Anita Loos, 1926
Anita Loos, 1926
Anita Loos, 1926
Anita Loos, 1926
Anna May Wong, 1926
Anna May Wong, 1926
Robert Falcon Scott, 1910
Robert Falcon Scott, 1910
Beatrice Lillie, 1916
Beatrice Lillie, 1916
Edward Gordon Craig, 1920
Edward Gordon Craig, 1920
Ellen Terry, 1919
Ellen Terry, 1919
Fritz Lang, UFA Studios, Potsdam-Babelsberg, 1929
Fritz Lang, UFA Studios, Potsdam-Babelsberg, 1929
Gerda Maurus, 1928
Gerda Maurus, 1928
Gina Palerme, 1915
Gina Palerme, 1915
Gluck, 1924
Gluck, 1924
Lady Hazel Lavery, 1914
Lady Hazel Lavery, 1914
SS Officer at Hitler Family Home, Leonding, Oberdonau, Austria, 1937
SS Officer at Hitler Family Home, Leonding, Oberdonau, Austria, 1937
Street Scene, Rattenburg, Austria, c. 1933
Street Scene, Rattenburg, Austria, c. 1933
Three Women Walking with Pitchforks, Mölln, Austria, 1935
Three Women Walking with Pitchforks, Mölln, Austria, 1935
Two Women in Bathing Suits Looking Over the Wall, Austria, 1934
Two Women in Bathing Suits Looking Over the Wall, Austria, 1934
Wall Plaque, Villach, Austria, 1938
Wall Plaque, Villach, Austria, 1938
Young Couple Dressed in National Costumes, Salzburg, Austria, 1937
Young Couple Dressed in National Costumes, Salzburg, Austria, 1937
Adolph Bolm as the Polovtsian Chief Warrior in The Polovtsian Dances, 1911
Adolph Bolm as the Polovtsian Chief Warrior in 'The Polovtsian Dances', 1911
Anna Pavlova as Cleopatra and Laurent Novikoff as Amoun, Ivy House, Hampstead Heath, London, 1912
Anna Pavlova as Cleopatra and Laurent Novikoff as Amoun in Cléopâtre at Ivy House, Hampstead Heath, London, 1912
Anton Dolin, 1923
Anton Dolin, England, 1923
Hubert Stowitts, 1920
Hubert Stowitts, 1920