Emir, Kano, Nigeria, Africa, 1937

Emir, Kano, Nigeria, Africa, 1937

In his last large-scale expedition before World War II, Hoppé traveled to many countries in Central Africa. There he perceived and captured the growing distinctions and intersections between local, traditional cultures and newer, technological, westernized modes of life.
Emir, Kano, Nigeria, Africa, 1937
Emir, Kano, Nigeria, Africa, 1937
Fishermen Tribe at the Harbor Falls, Stanleyville, Kisangani, Congo, Africa, 1937
Fishermen Tribe at the Harbor Falls, Stanleyville Kisangani, Congo, Africa, 1937
Funeral Dance Chant, Arabesi Tribe, Stanleyville, Kisangani, Congo, Africa, 1937
Funeral Dance Chant, Arabesi Tribe, Stanleyville (now Kisangani), Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), Africa, 1937
Hausa People Stalking Birds, Nigeria, Africa, 1937
Hausa People Stalking Birds, Nigeria, Africa, 1937
Kikuyu Mother and Child, Great Rift Valley, Kenya, Africa, 1937
Kikuyu Mother and Child, Great Rift Valley, Kenya, Africa, 1937
Maasai Girl, Victoria Nile, Uganda, Africa, 1937
Maasai Girl, Victoria Nile, Uganda, Africa, 1937
Man in Front of Photo Shop Wall, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa, 1937
Man in Front of Photo Shop Wall, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa, 1937
Man in Modern Suit Passing Men in Traditional Robes at Railway Station, Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, 1937
Man in Modern Suit Passing Men in Traditional Robes at Railway Station, Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, 1937